[Via http://noirfair.wordpress.com]
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Strippermobile Shuns Las Vegas, Launches U.S. Tour
Just because it doesn’t happen in Las Vegas anymore, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense- and money. Though the strippermobile is no longer trolling for customers down the Las Vegas Strip due to earlier Clark County Commissioner’s admanat objections based on safety concerns, in the next few weeks it will be going up and down Main Street, USA.
On January 10, it will become a Las Vegas-born – and banned – business that took its show on the road.
As previously reported by Las Vegas Backstage Access, the last and only time the vehicle rolled was November in Las Vegas, when bikini-clad strippers hopped aboard and gyrated inside the truck’s Plexiglas-enclosed cargo area, swung around a brass pole affixed to the middle of the truck bed.
Launching what arguably may be one of the greatest marketing ploys ever, the “Strippermobile Winter Tour 2010,” as it is dubbed, will be filmed as a documentary, carrying a full production crew with them. Larry Beard, marketing guru for Déjà vu gentlemen’s club in Las Vegas, hopes to have it broadcast on cable television, albeit most likely adult on-demand channels.
With three select strippers ready and willing to tout their wares, Beard expects the truck to roll out of Sin City on Jan. 10, making its first stops on their national tour in Southern California. That state has almost 20 Déjà vu- operated strip clubs. The strippermobile with then go up the coast, lingering in Portland, Ore., because, says Beard, the decency laws there are lax and the dancers will be totally nude during that stretch of the trip.
After Portland, it’s off to Seattle, then to the Midwest- Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan- all of which have Déjà Vu clubs. Then it’s off to New York City and Times Square, down to Maryland, over to Kentucky and Tennessee, down to Florida for the college spring break and over to Louisiana for Mardi Gras. Then their itinerary takes the crew to Colorado before the wayward truck comes home to roost once again in Las Vegas in the spring.
“And on our travels, of course, we’ll get pictures of the girls alongside Mount Rushmore and other famous sites,” Beard says.
[Via http://vbablogger.com]
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Color Temperature
I’ve come to the realization I have too much clothes. While cleaning my room I found garnments that I dont even wear anymore.
After a while I just started throwing shit together because I was bored with just cleaning.
I dressed up, put on pink lipstick, then dressed down,
And did a self photoshoot
[Via http://vagabondsinnyc.wordpress.com]
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Inviting others to Google Wave :)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
XXX +18: Ensaio DreamCam - Fernanda Fernandez
Talvez um dos melhores Posts XXX seja o desta maravilhosa gata, irmã de Viviane Fernandez (ex Malandrinha) hoje atriz pornô com filmes produzidos pela Brasileirinhas, como VIVI.COM.VC e VIVI.ANAL. Fernandinha, que voce irá conferir neste ensaio para a DreamCam estrela o filme pornô produzido pela Butworks “AGORA É A VEZ DELA”, lançado em Junho deste ano.
A irmã já é uma das rainhas do pornô nacional, linda, gostosa e imponente. Fernanda Fernandez, tem tudo … absolutamente TUDO para se igualar ou superar sua irmã. É linda, gostosa … e muito safada … !! Confiram algumas fotos abaixo e deliciem-se com o ensaio COMPLETO para a DreamCam.
- Descrição do Arquivo:
Formato: JPG/RAR
Tamanho: 7.3 Mb
- http://uploading.com/files/b6662981/DreamCam.Fernanda.Fernandez.2009.rar/
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009
XXX +18: Caseiras Collection 009
Coleção com mais de 100 fotos totalmente caseiras, das mais lindas gatas e transas, safadas e desinibidas mostrando e fazendo de tudo.
- Descrição do Arquivo:
Formato: JPG/RAR
Tamanho: 4.1 Mb
- http://uploading.com/files/b1f53cb1/caseiras_collection_009.rar/
Junte-se a nós em nossa Rede Social:
Monday, November 16, 2009
Só pra "Diretoria": Ensaio XXX
Essa, essa é pra casar. Que mulher é essa, 2º edição … rs rs !!! Linda, maravilhosa, imponente e com um olhar, olhos que nos penetram e nos fazem deseja-la ainda mais … !! Showwww !! Vale e muito …
- Descrição do Arquivo:
Formato: PPS/RAR
Tamanho: 1.5 Mb
- http://uploading.com/files/29b3md1e/Diretoria.rar/
Junte-se a nós em nossa Rede Social:
Monday, November 9, 2009
Bakers Dozen of Hot Hardcore Babes
- Natalie Norton
- Gilda Roberts
- Tara Lynn Fox
- Jasmine Jolie
- Marie McCray
- Sabrina Fox
- Krissy Lynn
- Cherry Torn
- Carmen Stark
- Jade Marxxx
- Ahryan Astyn
- Megan Murray
- Ami Emerson
Monday, November 2, 2009
Fumatul şi alcoolul
Trebuie să renunţ şi la alcool pe perioada procesului de renunţare la fumat?
Un proverb american spune că Nu trebuie să faci nimic, doar să plăteşti taxe şi să mori. Totuşi şansele dvs. de a vă elibera de tutun pe termen lung cresc şi sănătatea dvs. se va ameliora simţitor, cel puţin temporar, dacă renunţaţi la alcool. De ce? Iată motivele:
1. Alcoolul creşte rata recidivelor. Fumătorii care renunţă la fumat dar continuă să folosească alcool au un risc de recidivă de două ori mai mare decât cei care nu folosesc alcool.1
2. Alcoolul afectează judecata. Chiar şi numai o înghiţitură de alcool afectează judecata, memoria, capacitatea de a învăţa, capacitatea de coordonare, capacitatea de a asimila informaţiile şi funcţiile cognitive. Cu cât persoana are greutate corporală mai mică, cu atât mai puternic va fi afectată. O judecată sănătoasă este necesară pentru a putea rezista ţigărilor, mai ales în timpul procesului de renunţare şi chiar după aceea.2, 3
3. Alcoolul creşte numărul erorilor în realizarea unor activităţi. Numărul de erori a crescut în mod semnificativ sub influenţa unei doze mici de alcool în sânge de 0,25% la piloţii care au fost testaţi. Aceasta este motivaţia de prim ordin care stă la baza restricţiei în ce priveşte consumul de alcool cu 24 de ore înainte de zbor. Orice eroare în activitate provoacă stres iar stresul poate duce la fumarea unei ţigări.4
4. Alcoolul produce o supresie a sistemului imunitar. Ingestia de alcool produce supresia unora dintre mecanismele de apărare împotriva microbilor sau a cancerului. El acţionează ca un drog imunosupresiv cu efect pe termen lung. Ca fost fumător, sistemul dvs. imunitar este deja slăbit. Îl puteţi întări renunţând la alcool.5
5. Alcoolul şi tutunul acţionează sinergic în creşterea riscului de cancer de gură, esofag şi laringe. {tim cu toţii că atât alcoolul cât şi tutunul de mestecat sau prizat sunt, în mod independent, factori de risc în cancerul de gură. Riscul de cancer este deja crescut. Obiectivul este de a reduce acest risc.6, 7
6. Factorii sociali influenţează rata recidivelor. Deoarece există o corelaţie strânsă între fumătorii care consumă alcool şi cei care folosesc alcool şi care fumează, cel mai înţelept lucru este de a evita vechii prieteni pentru câteva săptămâni, pentru a vă întări comportamentul dvs. de nefumător. Având în vedere influenţa asupra discernământului, o înghiţitură sau două de alcool sunt suficiente pentru a zădărnici decizia dvs. de a nu fuma.
7. Alcoolul este o băutură cu un mare număr de calorii. Un gram de alcool eliberează 7 calorii comparativ cu 4, câte eliberează proteinele şi glucidele. În SUA, alcoolul furnizează 4‑5% din totalul caloriilor zilnice. Caloriile provenite din alcool sunt calorii ÎgoaleÎ. Este evident că oricine vrea să evite creşterea în greutate, nu are nevoie de calorii goale în plus.8
8. Alcoolul, chiar în cantităţi mici, poate stimula secreţia de acid gastric< aceasta duce la o creştere a poftei de mâncare. Constatarea că mâncaţi mai mult v‑ar putea determina să credeţi că alcoolul vă ajută să simţiţi mai bine gustul alimentelor dar de fapt, alcoolul deteriorează simţul gustului. Caloriile în plus înseamnă kilograme în plus.9
9. Alcoolul are acţiune diuretică, ducând astfel la excreţia de apă, calciu, magneziu, potasiu, vitamina B1, B2 şi acid folic. Acesta este cel mai rău lucru posibil pentru metabolismul apei şi mineralelor. Consumul moderat sau excesiv poate compromite capacitatea băutorului de a face faţă stresului datorită deficienţei de vitamină B1.6, 10.
National Research Council afirmă că uzul de alcool nu este recomandat. Consumul excesiv de alcool creşte riscul de boli de inimă, hipertensiune arterială, boli cronice de ficat, boli neurologice, deficienţe nutriţionale şi multe alte boli. Chiar băutorii moderaţi sunt expuşi unui anumit risc datorat efectelor asupra coordonării neuromotorii şi judecăţii, în conducerea maşinii, a diferitelor utilaje, maşini‑unelte şi pilotajul de avioane. Chiar consumul unor cantităţi mici de alcool poate duce la dependenţă. O alternativă sănătoasă ar fi consumul de suc sau nectar de fructe şi zarzavaturi ca de ex.: struguri, piersici, mere, ananas, portocale, cireşe, roşii etc. Puteţi adăuga sifon dacă doriţi.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sex sub pamant! Scene fierbinti intr-o parcare subterana!
Imagini care surprind o partida de sex oral, desfasurata intr-o parcare subterana din Statele Unite, au iesit la suprafata si au provocat dezbateri aprinse pe internet. Mai exact, oamenii se intreaba cata pasiune nestapanita si cata premeditare sunt in spatele scenelor fierbinti.
Cert este ca protagonistii au ales o pozitie extrem de favorabila pentru camera de supraveghere, care a filmat episodul erotic dintr-un unghi aproape perfect.Mizand pe “inocenta” celor doi tineri, nu putem decat sa presupunem ca acestia n-au mai avut nici macar rabdare sa urce in masina, daramite sa ajunga in intimitatea caminului propriu. Asa ca dupa saruturi patimase si mangaieri pasionale, actorii XXX de ocazie s-au avantat intr-o partida de sex fara prejudecati.
sursa: Stirile PROTV
Hot Chicks Flash Big Butts And Big Boobs
Hot Chicks Flash Big Butts And Big Boobs
Mariah Milano is back and she’s creating havoc around LA, flashing her tits and letting dudes tap her ass. She just goes around like a wild girl not giving a damn about people’s opinions, she just cares about her loyalty to her fans!! She finishes the day by getting drilled hard by Talon’s fat cock. A real classic scene, AIP style! Join here!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Category: All Sex
Genre: Anamorphic , Letterboxed, Straight
Keyword: Digital Playground Toys
Studios: Digital Playground
Performers: brianna love, Abbey Brooks, Ben English, Brianna Love, Charles Dera, Evie Delatosso, Jandi Lin, Jerry, Katsuni, Keeani Lei, Marco Banderas, Rico Strong, Stoya, Tommy Gunn, Tony DeSergio,
Monday, October 19, 2009
Theseguysblog Challenge
Theseguysblog Challenge – Hit up Connaught place with a 100 rupee note in hand and come home with the following four DVD’s:
- Surrogates – B-Weasy acts the shit out of this movie, one of his finest films. The premise revolves around the idea that Bruce buys a bunch of robotic replicas of Bruce … meaning quadruple the Bruces.
- Land of the Lost – Most people hate Will Ferrell based on the fact that they think too many people like Will Ferrell. Those people are idiots; his shitty movies are guaranteed for 12 giggles at a minimum.
- Life is all about giggles, if I don’t get my fix of at least 50 giggles a day I become a dangerous man.
- Year One – This movie is sure to further feed my sick sick addition with Michael Cera.
- The Hurt Locker – Arguably the only legitimate movie I was in the market for.
After filtering through hundreds of pirated American DVD’s I could only find two out of the four. My half ass attempts at lowballing these dirtbags, at a fraction of the market price, were failures forcing me to move on. Before I knew it, close to two hours had gone by and my goal was far achieved.
My patience was running thin but after thinking of how I would feel post-Michael Cera film, I gathered the motivation to dig down deep into my energy reserves. The pickings were slim seeing as we had visited nearly all of stores, but out of nowhere this one fellow caught my attention. We made eye contact and he spewed out broken English offering me games, DVD’s and CD’s.
The merchant motioned for me to follow him to his co-workers store (all these dudes work together each owning a couple different shops). I followed the merchant to his other store but as soon as the other owner saw my face I could tell something had gone wrong. I was told to leave.
My luck had run out, with my recently shaved head and unchanged white skin, I was easily remembered as the skinheaded, sleaze-bagging low baller. I somehow managed to get blacklisted from the underground pirated movie hub. I mean that’s talent people, to out slime the skeezies shows some serious tenacity and balls, half you jokers out there couldn’t do what I did.
Through association Arvil was blacklisted but that also might have been attributed to the fact that he low bagged this one dude so badly that even me, the king of the low ballin’ scumbags was surprised by his offer. Twelve DVD’s for 300 rupees, Arvil pulled an offense, spinless yet ballsy move and I have to respect him for it.
Although no DVD’s were purchased Arvil did buy:
Rolex – 100 rps – originally
Shantanaram (novel) – 200 rps – originally – 700 rps
A strawberry milkshake with whipcream toppings – 80 rps.
Right before he chuggled the shake, Arvil said:
“I am such a bad boy, I shouldn’t”
Friday, October 16, 2009
Inthecrack Rachel
Inthecrack Rachel toys on floor
NOTICE: The content that you are about to view may contain material only suitable for adults. You must be at least 18 years of age to view this.
Sample pics:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
ภาพออกแบบ Concept Art ของ Iron Man 2 โดย John Mann
จอห์น แมนน์ ทีมงานของกองถ่าย Iron Man 2 ผู้ออกแบบ และวาดภาพคอนเซ็ปต์อาร์ท แบบสวยๆ มาให้เราได้ชมกัน เขานั้นก็ผ่านการออกแบบหนังดังๆ มาหลายเรื่องด้วยกัน เช่น Superman Returns, xXx, Men in Black II และคราวนี้ เขาก็ร่างภาพต่างๆ ของไอร์ออนแมนออกมาให้เราได้ชมกัน เท่ห์มากครับ การออกแบบท่าทางต่างๆ ก็ทำได้เป็นธรรมชาติ โดยเป็นภาพที่รวบรวมมาจากเว็บไซต์ทางการ ที่วาดโดย จอห์น แมนน์ ครับ ภาพเหล่านี้จะไม่เกี่ยวกับหนังนะครับ เป็นการวาดมาให้ดูเอาเล่นๆ ซึ่งจอห์น แมนน์ ได้บอกไว้อย่างนั้นน่ะครับ ไปดูรูปภาพแบบอาร์ทๆ กันเลย
Monday, October 12, 2009
World Cup 2010 Qualify. Group 4. Russia - Germany (2009) HDTV
09:50 12.10.2009
World Cup 2010 Qualify. Group 4. Russia – Germany (2009) HDTV
Описание: “Слов будет немного – голос сел. Мы очень старались изменить ход поединка, очень много кричали, особенно во второй половине второго тайма. Мы проиграли и, естественно, этому не рады. Но мы довольны игрой, тем, как наша команда атаковала, и тем, что проявила характер, особенно во втором тайме, в концовке поединка”, – “У нас были шансы, особенно если бы судья назначил пенальти на Аршавине во второй половине встречи. Сборная Германии не так уж охотно шла вперед, сделала ставку на контратаки. Что ж, это их выбор, их тактика. Они молодцы, потому что реализовали свой момент. У нас тоже были шансы, но мы их, к сожалению, не использовали”, – заявил главный тренер сборной России Гус Хиддинк на послематчевой пресс-конференции.
read more at кино порт – скачать бесплатно фильмы
rss2ljFriday, October 9, 2009
Micro Bikini Oily Dance - Mei Koyanagi (Uncensored)
Micro Bikini Oily Dance – Mei Koyanagi (Uncensored)
Size: 185 MB
Length: 16:33
Genre: Club
Video: XviD MPEG-4 Video 640 x 480
Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 44100Hz Stereo
Saturday, September 26, 2009
World's Top Webcam Model Competition - $12,000 in prizes!!!
World’s Top Webcam Model – This competition is running now until the 7th December to find the world’s sexiest webcam model with prizes totalling $12,000. You can sign up for FREE to support your favourite webcam girl or boy and we give you 120 free credits to start you off. Even better YOU can win prizes too!!!!
So come and join the FUN and start voting for your favourite model – right NOW!!!!
The preliminary round of this competition runs up to the 4th October and only those models in the top 20 will go through to the final rounds. To stay in the Top 20, the models have to gain most credits for private shows so come on and support your favourite webcam model – They’re waiting to perform just for YOU and they’ll be pulling out all the stops to put on a really SEXY show!!!!
Just click on the link, and check out the Top 20 models now. Then sign up for free and start using your 120 free credits to get the model of your choice further up the ranking.
We’ll keep you up to date with how the contest is going and as the weeks go by, there will be eliminations so every credit counts!!!!
Flirt 4 Free:
Click here for live video chat
Friday, September 25, 2009
9.24.9 - Swallow
Now with Clint on Vacation until Wednesday, I can finally take a step back and look at the mess I’ve caused. The other night while closing with him, we began to argue about who was really responsible for starting this. All along I have blamed him, “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” I tell him. He spun around to face me, a broad grin causing his lips to twitch just slightly, “excuse me? I remember looking up into those big doe-like eyes, ‘Can I give you a blow job?’ Yeah, it’s ALL my fault.” My jaw dropped and for several long seconds I was speechless. “No! You were putting me through the worst guilt trip for not having offered sooner!” We both bowed up, yelling at each other’s face, albeit playfully. We were both laughing but I knew it was understood between us that we both had an equal part in igniting this affair. But I hate that word: affair. To me that sounds more like two people secretly, passionately grappling each other in the shadows, sharing deep, meaningful kisses and lying in each other’s arms afterwards. That isn’t what this is. I’m still trying to figure out what this is. When he’s near I feel as if I’ve swallowed a dozen lightening bugs and their little heated bodies ricochet off my ribcage. I’m attracted to him only because he fits into a mold that I’ve created. He ain’t a cowboy, but I can easily close my eyes and imagine him in wranglers, a stetson, and a pair of ropers. His voice carries a hint of a drawl that makes my heart race. Although, I can just as easily be a star co-worker. I can tell he likes it when I pretend there is nothing happening between us. Like yesterday, I happened to notice he was wearing his jeans again. He most have remembered how I oogled him in his jeans the other day. Yesterday he was wearing boots, too. Not cowboy, but work boots. When I noticed them, and he just happened to be talking to me, I visibly shuddered and smiled that secret smile. I was so distracted I almost didn’t notice that he had stopped mid-sentence to grin and watch me, “You like my boots?” With a soft purr, “I like all of it…the jeans, the boots…” And at that time I noticed a customer waiting to be checked out and I rushed over to help them. Afterwards, Clint was standing beside me and asked me if I had seen the new schedule. Of course I noticed! I worked with Clint the day he returned from Vacation on Wednesday! Then I had Friday, Saturday and Sunday off! I was screaming with joy inside. With a casual nod I smiled and said, “Yeah! I have a three day weekend!” I almost dropped to my knees laughing when I noticed his look, but I couldn’t let him know how hungry I was for that Wednesday night. “Well…did you see the hours for Wednesday?” I giggled and nodded. He stepped closer to tell me all he was looking forward to doing to me on Wednesday. Before he left he turned to look at me, “hey!..Wednesday.” and with a leud grasp of his crotch, he left. I could hear his loud bellowing laugh as he walked away.
I’ve also decided that I’m going back out to Red River tonight, Friday. I’ve told Clint and he wants me to promise to be good and be safe. He told me he would call Saturday to find out what happened. I made a promise to myself and an agreement with Daisy, that I would be a good girl. No more trips to the parking lot. I’m NOT going to let Ed Hardy lure me off the dance floor. I’m just looking to dance with a few cowboys and behave myself…to an extent. I asked Daisy to behave Friday night and if she does I won’t try to hold her back Wednesday night with Clint.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Un titlu, un titlu, regatul meu pentru un titlu !
Sunt sigur că asta ar fi spus Richard al III-lea dacă ar fi avut un blog.
Inspiraţia nu a fost niciodată punctul meu forte iar din nefericire nu am nici o imaginaţie bogată care să compenseze.
De câte ori vreau să scriu un articol, primul lucru la care mă gânesc este TITLUL şi stau uneori chiar şi ore în şir (se ) încercând să găsesc unul cât mai potrivit, cât mai reprezentativ şi care să surprindă cât mai bine ideea articolului. Iar când se întâmplă să nu reuşesc să-i găsesc un titlu ajung să amân respectivul articol nefericit în speranţa că până la urmă, poate, o fulgerare o să reuşească să-mi măcar un bec din lustra cu zece braţe a imaginaţiei. Probabil că acest lucru ţine mai mult de experienţă decât de imaginaţie dar eu tind să cred că ambele joacă un rol la fel de important în piesa asta. Ar fi totuşi o soluţie la acest mic inconvenient: aş putea întitula toate articolele “…” şi aş fi mult mai liniştit, aş adăuga totodată şi o urmă de mister dar mă mai gândesc … la un Titlu.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ho, Hum...
Man, the days are clipping by… summer’s rapidly fading and the days are getting noticably shorter. Yet, luckily enough, we’re still getting an occasional day in the 70s or even 80s here in Seattle. So, what to do? Ride, of course.
Last weekend I got a good afternoon cruise in one day with my honey… toward the mountain foothills to the east, including a stop at one of the local motor-crowd hangouts, XXX Rootbeer in Issaquah. They have lots of car and bike gatherings there all summer. It was the first time on the bike all summer for her, since my early summer this year was focused on Sturgis prep and didn’t include many local rides. But we finally got her out there and had a great day.
We looped out around Lake Sammamish on the way outbound, which was very pretty on that sunny day. Then we took a XXX break, getting some of their killer onion rings and a root beer float, which like all of their offerings, are monstrous in size and very tasty. Then we headed out I-90 and turned off onto the back roads, working our way home through Preston, Fall City, Carnation, Maltby, Woodinville, and back around the north end of Lake Washington.
Today was another decent day, bright and around 70F. I took a quick spin out through north Seattle toward the high-bank neighborhoods overlooking Puget Sound, and then dropped down toward Shilshole Marina for a quick ride along the waterfront, through Fremont, and back home. Not many miles, but at least it was some fresh air and a little sun on the face.
Nice day down by Shilshole Marina.
In the mean time, Hanson’s still been working on his bike, and negotiating with the dealer for revisions to his parts order and upcoming shop-install-fest, where they’re going to help him out installing more parts. A front wheel revision and other pieces on order are keeping this next step coming at a snail’s pace, but it’ll finally go in to the shop, at least for some of the work, next week.
While my bike's been, uh, on the road... Hanson's has been looking like this. Not pretty... yet!
So, that’s the latest on bikes and rides around here. We’re both still pumped for the annual Oyster Run, coming up at the end of the month. Hopefully Hanson’s new ride will be back outta the shop by then! (Check out the link (right) for info about the event).
In the mean time, dig this. Our blog here has been getting about 30-40 hits a day, mostly by linkage through search engines, and otherwise by some links from other blogs. While we still don’t have our own webpage populated with any content, people are finding it and then linking here. Pretty cool. Thanks to all those other bloggers and bikers out there who are linking to us or dropping in! Feel free to make a comment on your next visit.
Monday, September 14, 2009
kanye west, ever the punk. Punk ass bitch. (mobile)
Wow, I don’t watch the VMAs and I know why. Cause trendy, self absorbed twits don’t deserve my attention. Last year I watched. For the first time in my life. And I was appalled by Russell Brand. Not because he offended me. Because he was just not funny. Lowest common denominator humor anyone could have spewed. And now this year we see kanye west acting like the punk ass bitch he is. Throwing a fit because the person he wanted to win did not win. I do like some of his music but time after time he shows how spoiled and self absorbed he is. You would think after he sent his mom to a hack plastic surgery Dr and she died he might start too look at his life and choices. NOPE! I hope none of you are actually paying for his music. He does not deserve to get paid for the way he acts. Go online, steal it off the net. Go all 80’s and have a friend burn you a copy anything but give him your money. WHAT A PUNK ASS BITCH!
Here are two great places to go find Kanye West music without paying. Of course I don’t really mean steal. You should only download music you have the cd for. Anything else would be morally wrong and horrible. We would never want to not pay for music.
Pirate bay
Iso hunt
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Big Boob Hotties
Welcome to Bustyadventures. If you LOVE girls with big natural tits then you will love my website. I shoot new girl every week. This is the only website which has beautiful big tit girls from USA, Europe, Canada, and even more. I travel all over world and I shoot all movies myself. These girls are real amateurs and I pay them for this sex. You will love it I promise! Join here!
Big Boob Hotties
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
President Obama's Healthcare Speech. (Before)
Tonight I plan on watch President Obama’s speech on health-care. Now those of you who know me can properly guess that I did not vote for him. I voted for McCain but don’t really care for him either. I just found him to be the lesser of three evils. I have some thoughts on the whole third party idea that I plan on sharing later this week in a blog as well a quoting an amazing section from the book “days of war nights of love” to you all.
But now back on topic, I am curious to hear what he has to say. I will not be watching it live because my kids to stuff at church to do and I will be taking them so I plan on watching it, writing the after part of this blog and than maybe I will look up some sites and see what people say. I tend to stay away from the big sites or shows because conservative ones tend to be over board with their harsh talk and liberal show are of course the opposite. Anything he says is considered perfect and wonderful. That too is another blog topic that is coming. Why is it that because Obama is a black man he is a God? First black president, yes that is historical, but however that fact alone does not make him a good president. Only time will show that.
But I’m curious if any of you out there plan on watching, or do you plan on not watching on purpose or do you just not really care either way.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hardcore Porn Band In USA. Get It Here!!! Big Boobs and Big Butts Device Bondage (BDSM) Anal Too
Hardcore Porn Band In USA. Get It Here!!! Big Boob and Big Butts Device Bondage (BDSM)
Trinity Post proves herself to be a Dirty Fucking Girl in this Anal Antics update. Fisting her own ass! shoving the Honeycomb plug deep into herself & just being an all around anal whore! Something about Redheads……
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