Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama's Healthcare Speech. (Before)

Tonight I plan on watch President Obama’s speech on health-care. Now those of you who know me can properly guess that I did not vote for him. I voted for McCain but don’t really care for him either. I just found him to be the lesser of three evils. I have some thoughts on the whole third party idea that I plan on sharing later this week in a blog as well a quoting an amazing section from the book “days of war nights of love” to you all.

But now back on topic, I am curious to hear what he has to say. I will not be watching it live because my kids to stuff at church to do and I will be taking them so I plan on watching it, writing the after part of this blog and than maybe I will look up some sites and see what people say. I tend to stay away from the big sites or shows because conservative ones tend to be over board with their harsh talk and liberal show are of course the opposite. Anything he says is considered perfect and wonderful. That too is another blog topic that is coming. Why is it that because Obama is a black man he is a God? First black president, yes that is historical, but however that fact alone does not make him a good president. Only time will show that.

But I’m curious if any of you out there plan on watching, or do you plan on not watching on purpose or do you just not really care either way.


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